Your Subscribers are Your Best Marketing Tools

Your subscribers can give you the best market feedback and can act as your best market research tool. Take their opinion to develop new article ideas, press releases, provide statistics and much more.

To take the customers feedback, you must watch, listen carefully and keep on taking in new ideas as they come along, and then apply whatever new you have learnt. The following points will help you keep a closer watch and your customers ideas and listening to what they are trying to say.

??? Keep track of your site's page statistics to see which articles are most popular. Make it a habit to check your site's page statistics on a regular and periodic basis. The page statistics act as instant interest meter, because the site statistics will tell you how many times a page or article is visited. Take this as an indicator of what customers want and give them more content/articles on related topics and subject.

??? Take the customers emails seriously and pay attention to what he is saying. Whenever a customer takes time to write to you, acknowledge his mail and appreciate the input he has given. The customers will reward you with even more inputs and feedback. If a customer is writing to you about an issue related to your site then be certain that he feels strongly about the issue, please pay attention to the mail and the issue raised. And if you have more than one customer raising the same issue, then you definitely need to address the issue on your site.

??? Take the inputs from the discussion forums on your site. Discussion Forums are a goldmine source for customer feedback and ideas. Since the subscribers express their opinion and viewpoint very openly especially on the discussion forums, you can get ideas for new articles, topics that are hot and what they are actually looking for and some great ideas on site improvement.

??? Survey your subscribers for their opinions. Survey results used in press releases and advertisement messages is a common marketing strategy. When you quote survey results in your marketing messages, it lends a certain degree of authenticity to what you are trying to convey to the audience. Decide on what you want to know based on what kind of marketing messages you want to send across to the audience and ask your own subscribers and customers- who better to ask than your existing customers/subscribers.

Keep a close watch on what your customers and subscribers are saying through all the above mentioned medium, keep a list of ideas that you keep getting and you will always have topics for some new content and articles for your site.

1 komentar:

Anonymous said...

i agree with you, with this subscribe means that we build our market.

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